CYBERSHIELD360 - Empower Your Security with CyberShield360: Strengthen Your Digital Armor!

Empower Your Security with CyberShield360: Strengthen Your Digital Armor!

Attack Surface Management(ASM)

CyberShield360 is an advanced and comprehensive Attack Surface Management (ASM) product designed to safeguard modern organizations from cyber threats by proactively identifying and mitigating potential attack vectors. With its state-of-the-art features and cutting-edge technology, CyberShield360 empowers businesses to maintain a robust cybersecurity posture, reduce risks, and enhance their overall security resilience.

Check out all features that UEM360 Offers - Invia SaaS
Key Features:

Automated Attack Surface Discovery: CyberShield360 continuously scans the digital landscape to discover an organization’s complete attack surface, including domains, subdomains, IP addresses, netblocks, and related domains. This automated process ensures that no aspect of the organization’s online presence goes unnoticed, providing a comprehensive security view.

Domain Monitoring and Typo-Squatting Detection:
The product tracks and monitors all registered domains associated with the organization. It employs advanced algorithms to identify potential typo-squatting domains that might deceive users and serve as entry points for phishing attacks. CyberShield360 helps prevent brand impersonation and unauthorized activities by promptly detecting such domains.

IP and Netblock Monitoring: CyberShield360 continuously observes and assesses the organization’s IP addresses and netblocks to ensure that no unauthorized or malicious IP assignments exist. This proactive approach helps you identify suspicious activities and unauthorized access attempts, reduce the risk of potential cyber threats.

Leaked Credentials and Credential Stuffing Detection: The product searches a vast database of breached credentials to detect whether any of the organization’s usernames and passwords have been compromised in data breaches. By identifying leaked credentials, CyberShield360 allows businesses to strengthen their authentication processes and guard against credential-stuffing attacks.

Publicly Accessible Buckets and Open Ports Inspection: CyberShield360 assesses cloud storage containers and public-facing ports for potential vulnerabilities. By identifying publicly accessible buckets and open ports, the product helps prevent data exposure and unauthorized access to sensitive information, minimizing the risk of security breaches.

Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Scoring: The product performs in-depth vulnerability assessments, analyzing the organization’s systems, networks, and applications for potential weaknesses. It assigns risk scores to each vulnerability, enabling security teams to prioritize remediation efforts effectively through a user-friendly risk-scoring dashboard.

Ransomware Susceptibility Testing: CyberShield360 runs controlled ransomware susceptibility tests to simulate potential attacks and evaluate the organization’s preparedness. By uncovering vulnerabilities, the product assists businesses in fortifying their defenses against ransomware threats.

Phishing Assessment and Email Security Validation: The product conducts simulated phishing attacks to gauge the organization’s susceptibility to social engineering attempts. It also verifies email addresses associated with the organization, assisting in the implementation of robust email security protocols.


Proactive Cyber Defense: CyberShield360 provides continuous monitoring and automated discovery, enabling proactive defense against emerging cyber threats.

Comprehensive Security Visibility: The product offers a holistic view of an organization’s attack surface, leaving no digital asset unchecked and unsecured.

Reduced Risk Exposure: By detecting and addressing vulnerabilities promptly, CyberShield360 significantly reduces the organization’s risk exposure and potential for data breaches.

Enhanced Incident Response: With real-time alerts and actionable insights, the product strengthens incident response capabilities, minimizing the impact of security incidents.

Improved Compliance and Governance: CyberShield360 assists organizations in adhering to industry regulations and maintaining robust cybersecurity practices.

360 Degree Protection with CyberShield360 - ASM from Invia


Few challenges that our customers come across frequently:


What is an attack surface?


An attack surface refers to the total sum of vulnerabilities and entry points that attackers could exploit to gain unauthorized access to your organization's network, systems, or data.


How does Attack Surface Management help secure my organization against cyber threats?


ASM provides services like continuous monitoring, vulnerability scanning, asset discovery which helps you proactively identify and remediate vulnerabilities, reducing the attack surface and preventing cyberattacks.


Is ASM scanning automatic?


It has automatic continuous scanning capability which allows you to automate the discovery and assessment of your organization's attack surface.


Is ASM required to be integrated with existing security tools or platforms?


There is no need to integrate ASM with any existing security tools or platforms. It runs on our own secured server.

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